STEP4Youth – Best Practices on Sport for social inclusion and employability

STEP4Youth – Best Practices on Sport for social inclusion and employability

The STEP4Youth project team has published a handbook of best practice organisations, projects and methodologies in Europe that promote employability and employment for migrant and refugee youth at risk of social exclusion. The 21 initiatives identified use a sports-based approach and include wide-ranging activities that focus on soft skills and hard skills, professional experience, connections to work opportunities and legal advice. The handbook includes a description of the best practices and then extracts the key employment mechanisms and activities to identify and better understand the specific inputs that contribute to effective employment and employability outcomes.  

This handbook was developed as part of the Erasmus+ Collaborative Partnerships project, Sport Towards Employment Possibilities for Youth Migrants and Refugees (STEP4Youth) led by Barça Foundation and with partners Danish Refugee Council, Organization Earth, European Football for Development Network, and Cooperativa Prospettiva. The best practices identified provide the project with a strong foundation and understanding to work on a new sports-based intervention designed specifically to build employability competences and skills among unaccompanied youth minors in Europe in 2021.  

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